Yes yes, we know critics hate comedy. We know the reason critics want to be critics is to tell people what to think, and when everyone’s laughing nobody’s going to listen to you. (And the film is funny.)

That aside, it’s not a “corporate” film. Kellog’s was told about the film after it had been shot, edited and locked. At least do your homework, Franich.

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Unfrosted is delightful fun featuring some of the funniest people currently on earth having unrestrained fun on screen. It’s a COMEDY, and it takes a big broad swing, as opposed to the dull half-measures of the mostly weak-ass dramedy fare being generated these days by the timid micro-managers currently running our entertainment industry. It’s the easiest and laziest thing in the world for a critic to sneer at a broad comedy. Silliness is always going to sound like stupidity in description. There’s no way to defend it from snobbery. Your pseudo intellectualism is a big reason scripted comedy barely exists anymore in movies and on tv. It’s why we can’t have nice things.

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