Janice, thank you for writing this, and for linking to Richard's 2020 column, knowing it would bring reaction(arie)s that ignore our immoral history and attempt to downplay and shift blame for the enslavement of Black people and its aftermath of systemic oppression to the people harmed the most by it.

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Be interesting to see where all the money given to BLM went and how many Black owned businesses it helped. Ditto who is killing young Black men the most. I eagerly await a “Spotlight “ film on the subject matter.

By the way if there is any aspiring scriptwriter out there looking for a good idea about a strong Black Woman in more then one sense of the word do some googling of “Stagecoach Mary.” Just don’t woke up the story..

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Also, it takes a truly special kind of bubble to be as progressive an industry as Hollywood, take all the measures of the past two years, see things getting FAR WORSE not better and think, yeah, we need more of what we’ve been doing. Also, take a look at Los Angeles. A city abandoned to the depravities of crime in the spirit of defunding the police which has landed us in a decaying city that would be bankrupt save for the federal bailout courtesy of all the taxpayers in America, half if whom hollywood sneers at, all while doing absolutely nothing to return production to the state where our industry was founded. Wanna talk about misplaced intentions and misspent money (look closely enough st the state budgets and someone is surely going to jail! But yeah, let’s push for more of what the people running this city and this industry have been pushing for for the past two to twenty years. Because it’s worked so well so far. What’s the definition of insanity again? Oh right.

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Here’s an idea for Juneteenth. Address the issue of fatherless black families. Maybe look to the “Furious Styles” school of parenting who knew how to raise a man. God bless the amazing John Singleton and God bless David Dorn (do you even know who that is?) Oh and happy father day to you too. (Tho I would have led with that as my headline.)

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yep. great team. Right on everything. big winners. thanks.

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