Thanks for the poll. If, as expected, "Top Gun: Maverick", and "Avatar: The Way of Water" earn Best Picture Oscars nominations, this may well finally be the year that we find out if big box office hits can drive up viewership after all the efforts to expand the Best Picture nominee list and the failed "Most Popular Film" category.

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“I need to cover it.”

You don’t.

No one does.

This obsession with “awards season” got out of hand a few years ago and is now worse than ever. When Hollywood insisted on giving out awards as tens of thousands of people were DYING DAILY in the midst of a PLAGUE, everything felt truly disgusting. Netflix’s “awards over people” mindset has spilled into the entire industry and is just gross. Now, much like American politics, you’ll forgive violence and sexual molestation for the sake of some awards being given to assuage egos.

How about just IGNORING them? They are meaningless. I’m sad you feel so “torn” about this. You know what you are doing is wrong, and it cheapens everything. I’m disappointed. I understand your motives and your rationale, but I’m still disappointed.

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OMG I still have to understand why the Globes matter so much. I guess it's about visibility. But the HFPA have no meaning, especially after these last two years... the fact that so much people is going to appear to this year cerimony is astonishing

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The fact that "politics" or "wokeness" wasn't even an option to select re: why people don't watch awards shows is exactly the problem with the industry. Everyone's so in the bubble that they really can't see how much people hate being preached to. The highest grossing movies and most popular (mainstream) TV shows have one thing in common: they're NOT injecting politics/idealogy into every storyline. Until the majority of the industry wakes up to this, the bottom line is just going to get worse.

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Award shows are dead. No one cares

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I avoid award shows because I hate the speeches given by the awardees.

I hate the long list of names of accountants, agents, and managers, almost all people I have never heard of.

I hate the political jeremiads from people living very privileged and protected lives. (Hate gun culture? Promise to never make another picture featuring gunplay and I will take you seriously.)

Award shows could win me back by returning to the 1950s model of "Thank you very much," acceptance speeches.

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Actually, I’ve seen more than 20 moviesuf you count Amazon, YouTube, and TCM. Here’s to the narrative tensions in “Captain from Castille”! Also I actually would have been fine if the Globes went away forever. But I was typing on my phone and made some mistakes. Or msktesdr.

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