Transcript: Strikes, Firings and the (Possible) Mother of All Mergers
EMERGENCY! The entire Ankler team convenes to unpack an insane week of events
This transcript of The Ankler podcast has been lightly edited for clarity.
Sean McNulty (00:05):
Welcome to The Ankler Podcast. This is Sean McNulty from The Wakeup Newsletter here at The Ankler. As always, follow The Ankler on social media @theankler and sign up for all The Ankler newsletters and podcasts at Joining me today are Mr. Ankler himself, Richard Rushfield, from Los Angeles. Good morning, Richard.
Richard Rushfield (00:24):
Good morning.
Sean McNulty (00:25):
And Elaine Low, also from LA. Hello, Elaine.
Elaine Low (00:28):
Hello there.
Sean McNulty (00:29):
And then we have Mr. Rob Long, who's helping me out on the East Coast. Rob, you are in New York, yes?
Rob Long (00:34):
I am in New York.