Transcript: Iger, Ire, Actors: Apocalypse Now
A double strike. Disney selling core TV assets. How did it get so bad and when does it end?

Fran Drescher (00:00):
I cannot believe it, quite frankly, how far apart we are on so many things. How they plead poverty, that they're losing money left and right, when giving hundreds of millions of dollars to their CEOs. It is disgusting. Shame on them. They stand on the wrong side of history at this very moment.
Sean McNulty (00:34):
Welcome to The Ankler podcast. This is Sean McNulty from The Wakeup newsletter, here at The Ankler on Friday, July 14th, here in Los Angeles. Joined of course by Elaine Low, as always. Elaine, do I sound thinner in LA or just as usual?
Elaine Low (00:48):
You do. I can hear the kale in you.
Sean McNulty (00:52):
I get that a lot. We have a Janice Min joining us, who I believe is the leader of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. Janice, do I have that right?
Janice Min (01:04):
I'm taking a break from my mediation duties to join you.
Sean McNulty (01:09):
Janice, of course, our fearless leader CEO here at The Ankler. Back on the pod. Nice to have you, Janice. Good morning. Nice to see you. Do the Feds stay in town? I've heard nothing on this, Elaine, what happened to this federal service? Did they go back to D.C. or do they keep... What do they do? Does the Four Seasons reservation get extended or what?
Elaine Low (01:29):
That's a fine question. They came in at the 11th hour. On Wednesday, to come in, ostensibly, to help smooth along these SAG-AFTRA AMPTP talks. And then just didn't hear about them again, because now we're on strike. Now we've got ourselves a double strike, so I guess we've had to go home.
Sean McNulty (01:45):
The FMCS [inaudible 00:01:47].
Janice Min (01:47):
We think that was the most exciting assignment you could get if you're a bureaucrat in DC.
Elaine Low (01:51):
[inaudible 00:01:52] in LA.
Sean McNulty (01:55):
Come on. That's the plum job there. Exactly. But first, of course, where we could follow The Ankler and all social platforms at The Ankler, and subscribe to The Ankler at for the full suite of newsletters and podcasts. Very busy week over there. A lot to check out. And of course, for all of the latest on the strikes, plural now, you can set up for The Ankler Strikegeist newsletter, totally free at, get all things strike related, including Elaine's daily evening newsletter, which will now be twice as long, Elaine, I guess, is that what's going to happen now?
Elaine Low (02:31):
What do we call it now? Is it Strikegeists, Strikesgeist, what's the plural of it?
Sean McNulty (02:33):
Strikesgeist? Janice, what do we do here?
Janice Min (02:38):
We have to think about that. We're creating a Strikegeist multiverse, I guess [inaudible 00:02:43].
Elaine Low (02:44):
Sean McNulty (02:45):
It's a week where CAA selling itself it's a smaller story, Janice. Who would've thought?
Janice Min (02:51):
Oh my God, right? Just so the audience knows.
Sean McNulty (02:56):
Yes, of course.
Janice Min (02:56):
Almost every morning I eyeball Sean's newsletter before it goes out, and I was like, "Wait, what?" CAA is potentially selling to Salma Hayek's husband? Whatever, the whole cliche about Bingo card, who would've had... But I don't know. Can we just unwind though? We're taping on Friday, can we unwind to yesterday morning, though, where everybody woke up to... Elaine didn't wake up, she was already awake.