Transcript: How Writers are Winning the Strike Narrative
A focus on the gig economy, Silicon Valley and CEOs have made the story far bigger than Hollywood
Sean McNulty (00:05):
Welcome to The Ankler Podcast. This is Sean McNulty from The Wakeup newsletter, here at The Ankler, here in New Jersey, again, on the morning of Friday, May 12th. Joining me, are Peter Kiefer from Los Angeles, well, Peter, are you in L.A. or maybe Bora Bora or Tuscany? Where's The Ankler sending you these days? Where are you at?
Peter Kiefer (00:24):
I'm back to my very quotidian, boring life. I'm at home, here in lovely Venice Beach, but happy to be back.
Sean McNulty (00:31):
Good to see you again. And of course, Elaine Low, who's definitely in Los Angeles. Very much, all over Los Angeles this week, I'm sure, which we'll get to in a second. Elaine, good morning, and how you doing?
Elaine Low (00:44):
Hey, been on nearly every picket line in this city this week.
Sean McNulty (00:49):
We'll get your Google tracking record in a moment. And I'm sure you're very upset that you won't be reporting on what kind of spread Netflix is going to do at their upfront next week. You're coming to-
Elaine Low (00:58):
Oh, goodness. I'm flying all the way out to New York next week. So, I'm a little disappointed that they're not going to have an in person upfront.
Sean McNulty (01:05):
Yeah. Netflix, Elaine's coming to New York and going back to Zoom. What the hell?
Elaine Low (01:10):
Yeah, guys. Come on.
Sean McNulty (01:13):
But, Elaine, do you want to run the NBCU presentation on Monday? I think, there's an opening if you want to-
Elaine Low (01:21):
No, goodness. Can we talk about this? Because I've been out on the picket lines all week covering stuff, and I feel like every time I come back and I open up the news, it's just, like, "What's happening?" So, Sean, tell me, Linda Yaccarino.