Transcript: Art & Crafts LIVE: TV's Top Sound Editors
Emmy nominees Brian J. Armstrong, MPSE ('Shogun') and Tim Kissel, MPSE ('3 Body Problem'; 'Avatar: The Last Airbender') chat with past nom Joel D. Catalan, CAS

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Joel Catalan, CAS: First of all, I just want to say congratulations because as you guys saw in those clips, there’s so much content available these days, it’s just overwhelming, and the fact that you both are here and the other nominees are nominated, like, that is something to be congratulated and celebrated.
So hands together because I watched that and I’m like, “Oh, I want to be part of that. That is so cool.” So congratulations, but just a couple. And correct me if I’m wrong, but I think I have just a couple accolades here. Brian, four Emmy nominations, eight Motion Picture Sound Editor, MPSE Golden Reel nominations, and one Golden Reel win for Westworld.
And Tim, 11 Emmy nominations, three Emmy wins, two for Game of Thrones, and Lovecraft Country, and nine MPSE Golden Reel wins. Is that correct? That’s awesome, right? That’s awesome. Well, congratulations again. You know, we talk about sound editing, I think often, I don’t know if you get this, but people are like, “Oh, it’s the same thing as mixing. Or, are you doing the music, right?” There’s always this confusion. Can you let just us know, especially those listening, just your, this is your chance to let them know. What is sound editing? What’s the difference between editing and mixing? Let us know in your words.