🎧 The Scariest Word in Hollywood
Rob Long on the Bible, the surefire, public-domain IP everyone is afraid of
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Sixty percent of Americans say they read the Bible regularly. But in Hollywood, where Jesus and religion can feel — how do you say it — downmarket, people rely instead on the series bible, where writers flesh out their TV series’ characters, situations and possible future episodes. But Rob Long suggests Hollywood, much like he has, take a fresh look at the Bible — the one with a capital B, no IP rights, and packed with tragedy, sex and human weakness fit for a limited series.
Transcript here.
Curious to know more about these "faith-based" projects! Given your Cheers connection, I wonder if Kelsey Grammer is involved? (Ten years ago I took part in an interview with him on the set of Killing Jesus, in which he played Herod.)
60% read the Bible and Hollywood still puts out woke purple haired activism topics weekly.