Etc. Etc. Etc: The-Too-Much-Stuff Era
What's really killing Hollywood, and a plan to fight back
Since my seasonal gift basket of gloom last week, Hollywood has experienced a miracle; an advent so joyous, it seemingly disproves all my hard-wrought Cassandraizing.
HBO, in the midst of all its corporate turmoil and chaos, had its biggest series premiere ever. Ever.
How dead can entertainment be if it can still do something like that?
How dead can Hollywood be, if it can still unite the world like this:
What's incredible about the video above is that it's not a live event those apartments are all in sync with — it's a scripted, recorded show that they have all turned to at broadcast airtime.
That wasn't supposed to be able to happen anymore. And there it is, in a beautiful New York apartment building light ballet.