Death, Taxes and 49 Hollywood Inevitabilities
#24: One day your horrible boss will be back pitching a project to you

This week, Hollywood’s greatest villain of all made his annual appearance — the taxman swooped in to take his cut of our ill-gotten gains.
For all the visionaries at work in this business (not to mention Hollywood’s legendary “creative” accounting), taxes are a foe we’ve never been able to vanquish — certainly not with the sort of zeal of other companies, including, infamously, Amazon. It’s all part of the great cycle in Hollywood, where the more things change, the more nothing ever changes. Projects are perfect . . . until the day they are irresponsible. Rising execs are infallible geniuses until the day we always knew what morons they were. And so the wheel turns.
What else is inevitable in Hollywood? Here, in honor of tax week, are a few features of the landscape that you’ll encounter along your journey. Many thanks to my expert consultants who weighed in for this roadmap:
Cost savings will cost you money in the end, when nobody watches your rushed but cost-effective project.
Another genius will invent a brilliant new method to predict hits.
Every lunch will be rescheduled at least twice.