Transcript: 72 Hours with Netflix in Vegas
One place is still spending like its 1999 as write-offs and woes plague everywhere else

Sean McNulty (00:02):
Welcome to The Ankler Podcast. This is Sean McNulty from The Wakeup Newsletter here at The Ankler on the Jersey Shore on the afternoon of Thursday, November 16th. Joined as always by Elaine Low and Richard Rushfield in Los Angeles. Richard, I was stunned not to see you on The Hollywood Reporter’s 35 under 35 list this week. What happened?
Richard Rushfield (00:21):
They didn't get the memo that I'm going to be 35 for another 35 years here.
Sean McNulty (00:25):
Is that right?
Richard Rushfield (00:27):
I'm owed an explanation.
Sean McNulty (00:30):
Get right on that. It'll be your column next week, I think. Yeah, exactly. Well, someone else not on that list, The Ankler's Peter Kiefer's going to be joining us in a little bit with the latest in Britney news from his story this week. Well, book deal news, not divorce news. And again, Peter is very resourceful.
Elaine and Claire dropped some news today about the Golden Globes, which we're going to dive into shortly. Plus, we'll get into Elaine's conversations with plenty of folks in the room in the SAG negotiations that she's been doing of late. We'll get Richard's sports report. What Elaine, did you mess my Google Doc again? I thought I'd revoked that access. What is this?
Elaine Low (01:03):
Oh, I'm so eager to hear this. What is this? The Netflix Cup, right?
Sean McNulty (01:07):
Oh, I was going to leave it there. Just that, that's it. Nothing else.
Richard Rushfield (01:08):
I'm one of the leading golf/racing journalists in the world now.
Sean McNulty (01:13):
I think you're the only one, but yeah, exactly. And Elaine, are you ready to play a studio head?
Elaine Low(01:18):
Oh, what? Play. I thought you were going to say, "Are you ready to play a pop quiz?" And I was already immediately groaning.
Sean McNulty (01:25):
No studio head. It's been a dream of yours since your teenage years.
Elaine Low(01:27):
It has been.
Sean McNulty (01:28):
We'll finally make that dream come true today here on The Ankler podcast, so we'll have that as well. But Richard, are you up for starting with some good news this week?
Richard Rushfield (01:37):
Generally not, but I'll see if I can take it.
Sean McNulty (01:40):
Could we get a pass on that? Okay. You'll allow it. Is that okay?
Richard Rushfield (01:43):
I'll look the other way.
Sean McNulty (01:45):
Look the other way. The folks at Warner Bros. have found somebody new who wants to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in the movie business, Richard. Any advice for our new people who are coming to town?
Richard Rushfield (01:54):
Just make sure you get those Oscar tickets and invitations to the parties upfront.
Sean McNulty (02:00):
Oh, okay.
Richard Rushfield (02:01):
As soon as your hundreds of millions run out, nobody's going to remember you at the security line. I'm sorry.
Sean McNulty (02:05):
I see. Should they get receipts, Richard? Is that how this works in Hollywood or is that more of a receiptless kind of transaction, do you think?
Richard Rushfield (02:11):
Just get your lunches with Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie on the books very quick, I'd say.
Sean McNulty (02:17):
Well, all right. Well, Elaine, meet Domain Capital. They are an investment firm from Atlanta who has about a $8 billion fund that they manage mostly in real estate, but they set a multi-year deal with Warner Bros. this week to chip in some extra cash in exchange for equity on some WB pictures for the next few years, including already contributing to Barbieand also the holiday films of Wonka and Aquaman 2. Elaine, maybe keep the talk of the Marvels to a minimum. Maybe they're new listeners to the podcast. We don't want to spook the new money in town, so just keep that down. All right.
Elaine Low (02:47):
And they're investing this in the WB pictures that will actually be released, is that right?